Inverter Modular Air-Cooled Chiller
Operating temperature in heating mode: -26 to +55ºC
Performance improved by 20% at extreme conditions
Nominal cooling capacity: 9 to 295 Tons (31,6 to 1,037 kW)
With years of experience in developing and designing process air conditioners, has successfully integrated EVI and full inverter technologies and made a breakthrough in the operation of modular units.
Dynamic Control of Condensation Pressure
Efficient inverter fan and 15%-100% stepless capacity control to match changes in the system pressure in real time.
Inverter EVI Technology
Inverter adjustment under partial load ensures efficient operation;
EVI technology ensures strong cold and strong heat at extreme conditions.
Self-Developed Drive Control Program
German stepless sine-wave permanent magnet motor driving technology provides computing at 8000 times per second and double filtering to ensure that power disruption is removed at all frequencies.
- Catalogue Carrier 30RHM-V - Specifications Published Date: 26/01/2022
Dynamic Control of Condensation Pressure
Efficient inverter fan and 15%-100% stepless capacity control to match changes in the system pressure in real time.
Inverter EVI Technology
Inverter adjustment under partial load ensures efficient operation;
EVI technology ensures strong cold and strong heat at extreme conditions.
Self-Developed Drive Control Program
German stepless sine-wave permanent magnet motor driving technology provides computing at 8000 times per second and double filtering to ensure that power disruption is removed at all frequencies.
- Catalogue Carrier 30RHM-V - Specifications Published Date: 26/01/2022
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